Saturday, April 17, 2010

Star Wars #81-82 (1984)

Star Wars #81-82 [Grand Comics Database 81, 82; Comic Book Database 81, 82]
(March 1984, April 1984)
Marvel Comics

(#81) "Jawas of Doom!"
Writer: [Mary] Jo Duffy
Penciller: Ron Frenz ("breakdowns")
Inker: Tom Palmer, Tom Mandrake ("finishes")

(#82) "Diplomacy"
Writer: [Mary] Jo Duffy
Penciller: Ron Frenz ("breakdowns")
Inker: "M. Hands" (as in, "Many Hands"; i.e., multiple, uncredited inkers) ("finishes")

Chronological Placement: 4 years after Battle of Yavin (A New Hope) (soon after Return of the Jedi)

Notable Characters: (#81) Han Solo, Leia Organa, R2-D2, Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, Landy Calrissian, C-3PO, Wedge Antilles; (#82) Luke Skywalker, Admiral Ackbar, Plif the Hoojib, Dani, Rik Duel, Chihdo, Kiro, Mone

Comments: Begins run of Marvel Comics issues following Return of the Jedi (movie and Marvel's 4-issue limited series movie adaptation). In #81 ("Jawas of Doom!"), Han, Leia, and R2-D2 travel to Tatooine so that Han can collect credits he'd left in storage there. Han finds that both his accounts (and he, himself) are still considered to be "frozen" and therefore is unable to retrieve them. That's the least of their troubles, however, as first R2-D2 is stolen by Jawas. Chasing the Jawas down, Han discovers another of the Jawas' recent discoveries: Boba Fett, alive and well (although momentarily without his memory; this accounting of Boba Fett's survival of his encounter with the Sarlacc in Return of the Jedi is later superseded by that told in the novel, Hard Merchandise (Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy, book one, by K. W. Jeter)).

In #82, which partially overlaps in time with the previous issue, has Luke and Plif the Hoojib (from a previous Marvel storyline) sent to the planet Iskalon to offer the natives there representation in the upcoming new government that the Rebel Alliance leaders will be forming now that the Empire has been defeated. Arriving, Luke discovers some unexpected other visitors have arrived there first: Dani, Rik Duel, and Chihdo. They are there to scavenge whatever they can. Their presence leads to a confrontation between Luke and the water-breathing Iskalonians. (Again, these are all characters who were introduced in previous issues.)

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